a transformative sanctuary dedicated to guiding individuals, primarily women of color, through journeys of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Through a diverse range of coaching services, mentorship programs, communal coaching, and online resources, Soul Survivors Healing offers a holistic approach that combines powerful modalities like inner child work, hypnotherapy, soul retrieval, Ayurvedic dosha analysis, chakra clearing, and sound bowl therapy.


Our logo is a powerful representation of our core values and beliefs. The orange circle at the center symbolizes the soul, which holds together the other three essential elements of human existence. The green circle represents the heart, representing our emotions and compassion; the blue circle within it signifies the body, embodying our physical well-being and health; and the green and blue circles together encapsulate the mind, signifying our intellect and thoughts.


empower individuals to break free from toxic patterns, embrace their true selves, and catalyze positive change in their lives and communities.


revolves around three core themes: mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These dimensions, when harmonized, facilitate holistic transformation, encompassing mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual alignment, fostering deep healing and self-discovery.

Drop Down Into Your Heart

Drop Down Into Your Heart

the visionary founder of Soul Survivors Healing. With a profound dedication to my personal growth and holistic healing, my transformative journey has inspired me to establish a platform solely focused on guiding individuals, especially women of color, towards self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. As a compassionate coach and guide, my expertise encompasses a variety of modalities including inner child work, hypnotherapy, soul retrieval, Ayurvedic dosha analysis, chakra clearing, and sound bowl therapy.


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  • Maybe you want to launch a business

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  • Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more

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  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

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